Its normal to have some anxiety/stress during exam days. In fact, stress helps you to keep
optimum alertness and focus and utilise your abilities to the maximum to achieve best
possible results. Please try the following Steps:
Relax yourself down: Take 2-3 deep breathes.
Identify the distracting thoughts: Try not to focus on those disturbing thoughts by indulging
yourself in some activity which makes you relax and calm.
Don’t study in long stretch.
Take short breaks and relax your mind by listening to music – it does create a positive and
productive environment by elevating your mood and encouraging you to study more
effectively and for longer time period. Classical music is recommended as the best type of
music to boost your brainpower but ambient music can work too.
Go for a walk – Many students feel as if they should spend their entire time before exams
reading their books. However, research has proven that exercising such as taking a walk can
boost your memory and brainpower.
Plan your routine – This may not be a big surprise but what is shocking is the number of
students who discount the benefits of creating a plan. With some initial effort, you can
become more productive and motivated each day you approach your study by understanding
your learning progress.
Get enough sleep – The benefits of a proper night’s sleep can never be underestimated. Most
importantly, sleep helps your brain to assimilate new knowledge into your long-term memory
so that you can recall it on the test day. So sleep for 7-8 hrs each night and don’t compromise
with your sleep duration.
Meditation – Meditation is one of the most effective ways to take a break and see your stress
from a different perspective. Practicing meditation is another way to maintain focus while
improving both mental and physical health to reduce pre-exam stress.
Let it out – Sometimes you just need to talk to someone. Figure out how you feel and then let
it out. Speaking to a family member or friend can project the bigger picture for you and
empower you to rise above the exam stress.
Remove distractions – I bet you don’t even realize the number of times you check Facebook,
Instagram or other social media. When you add it all up together, it amounts to a significant
waste of time. It can be hard to detach from your life outside of studying but keeping the end
goal and timeframe in mind will ease the process. We recommend Self Control.